
shear velocity中文是什么意思

  • 剪切流速
  • 剪切速度
  • 切变速度



  • 例句与用法
  • Normally the shear velocity is about half of the compressional velocity .
  • The raw cement slurry is a kind of two - phase solid - liquid suspension . from the relation of shear stress and shear velocity , it ' s belong to noi ? ncwtonian fluid
  • Poisson ' s ratios calculated from v ( subscript p ) / v ( subscript s ) can provide much tighter constraints on the crustal composition than either the compressional or the shear velocity alone
  • Sconed , the tangential shear velocity and the radial particle diameter distribution are derived according force balance in the annulus , in order to reduce or pervent the particle to remove toward the membrane surface
  • ( 5 ) based on an empirical formula , in terms of soil shear velocity , to evaluate soil liquefaction , which is simple to handle and prospective in further application , the author presents , in the probabilistic and fuzzy way , the formulae for the evaluation of liquefaction probability and fuzzy probability at given depths and for a fuzzy evaluation of liquefaction hazard of the total soil layers
  • The present results indicate that the quantitative description of the non - dimensional mean lateral streak spacing + differs from the results previously published . the spacing + is not a constant value of 100 . it becomes larger as the reynolds number in terms of shear velocity increase
  • Based above , a two - grade fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is presented on the ground of the current seismic design code for building . it is that taking the membership of equivalent shear velocity as weight of the model not empirical weight in traditional one - grade model . it has been proved in site classification reasonable
  • The characteristics of seismic response transfer function is studied statistically . to describe the effects of soil layer on characteristics of ground motion the one new approach are suggested to characterized the predominate period of ground motion by site equivalent predominate period . the idea and method for calculation of site equivalent predominate period is given according to equivalent . shear velocity
  • In the thesis domestic and foreign relation model of standard penetration blow count and shearing velocity , standard penetration blow count and deformation modular , shearing velocity and foundation bearing capacity are analyzed . on base of these analysis a new calculation model that applying rayleigh wave velocity to calculate the stress ratio of pile and soil between piles is established . because of the difference of region and soil character , the new model own three branch model , ie , japan model , wuhan model , xia liaohe mo del , in three different conditions
    文章通过分析国内外标准贯入击数与剪切波速、标准贯入击数与变形模量、剪切波速与地基土承载力之间的关系模型,并考虑到地区性和土质类别的差异,分别选用日本公路桥梁抗震设计新规程模型(日本模型) 、武汉地区模型、下辽河平原模型三种模型建立了新的桩土应力比计算模型? ?应用瑞雷波速求解桩土应力比之间的计算模型。
  • A series of experiments in a wider range of reynolds number were conducted for the investigation on the spatial and temporal distribution of the low - speed streaks in the near wall region of turbulent open channel flow . for the first time , the relationships between the spacing , the width , the length scale in the streamwise direction and the duration time of low - speed streaks and the reynolds number based on shear velocity were revealed
  • 百科解释
Shear velocity, also called friction velocity, is a form by which a shear stress may be re-written in units of velocity. It is useful as a method in fluid mechanics to compare true velocities, such as the velocity of a flow in a stream, to a velocity that relates shear between layers of flow.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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